Impactful outcomes in clinical research begin with passionate professionals whose drive comes from making a difference in people’s lives. Worldwide’s Niccolo Bassani, Principal Statistician, and Amanda Cross, Vice President of Biometrics, take us inside their teams.
At Worldwide Clinical Trials, our biometric professionals are far more than mere number-crunchers. Led by Vice President of Biometrics Amanda Cross, the output of reliable, quality data from a clinical trial is always the goal. “In biometrics, we are responsible for that data every step of the way and I take that responsibility seriously,” she says. At Worldwide, members of the biometrics teams work closely with trial sponsors to ensure quality data and reporting – from protocol synopsis to final CSR. In collaboration with the Scientific Solutions team, our biostatisticians frequently consult on protocol design. This means we have a team where both project-focused and consultancy-focused statisticians thrive.
Ensuring that employees have the tools and training to thrive in their roles at Worldwide is something senior leaders have prioritized. Worldwide is a midsized CRO, which means we’re large enough to offer full-service support for a study, but not so large that our people become just another cog in the machine, according to Niccolo Bassani, Principal Statistician. “The first part – being large enough – is great because it means that all different study team members are within reach and aligned with our culture and processes. The second part is great because you can trust that you’re valued as an individual. I know my colleagues in the department and who to reach when.”
Biometrics professionals at Worldwide can expect plenty of variety in their days, and that variety is complimented by the flexibility paramount to Worldwide’s employee culture. More than anything else, flexible working patterns highlight the relationship of mutual trust between Worldwide and its employees. Niccolo says he often begins his days early to allow time to care for himself later in the day with a walk or some exercise. He balances his longer days by knowing he can meet timelines and provide highest quality work while still being available for his family.
Quality and timely delivery are traits equally inherent to the global culture at Worldwide. Amanda believes that knowledge of and experience with statistics in clinical research, a strong interest in consulting, and the ability to take a collaborative approach when working with sponsors are common threads amongst her team’s most successful biometric professionals – at all levels, regardless of where one is in their career or where they want to go.
“We offer multiple pathways to success and career growth for all of our biometrics team members here at Worldwide, including line management and technical professional development,” she says.
If you’re interested in learning more about a career in Biometrics at Worldwide, please visit our careers page or connect with Amanda on LinkedIn, here.